Resource Library

Count: 78
Resource Website Category >> Sub Category Type Provider
13 Moons Harm Reductive Initiative
  • Health and Healing >> Addictions
  • Youth >> Positive Development Services
Service Organization
A program that uses culture to help aboriginal youth get off drugs
Aboriginal Youth Internship Program (AYIP)
  • Youth >> Recreation and Programs
Service Provincial
Program for high school students to obtain work experience and information about employment opportunities
Access Grants
  • Environment and Lands >> Conservation
  • Environment and Lands >> Environmental Projects
  • Youth >> Funding
  • Youth >> Mentorship and Leadership
Funding Non-Profit
Access Grants aim to assist equity-deserving groups in participating in face-to-face events such as conferences, workshops, and other experiential opportunities. This support is designed to enhance young people’s networking and knowledge, enabling them to contribute more effectively and fully to the climate action sector.
Access Grants
  • Environment and Lands >> Conservation
  • Environment and Lands >> Environmental Projects
  • Youth >> Funding
  • Youth >> Mentorship and Leadership
Funding Non-Profit
Access Grants aim to assist equity-deserving groups in participating in face-to-face events such as conferences, workshops, and other experiential opportunities. This support is designed to enhance young people’s networking and knowledge, enabling them to contribute more effectively and fully to the climate action sector.
AFN - Youth Income Assistance Toolkit
  • Youth >> Positive Development Services
Tools & Information Indigenous Resource
Toolkit aimed at youth to help with career planning and creating an education plan.
Blueprint Pathways
  • Youth >> Positive Development Services
Service Organization
An initiative that aims to empower youth in detention and custody facilities by using hip hop and group discussions on mental health.
Boys and Girls Club of Thompson
  • Youth >> Recreation and Programs
Service Organization
After school programs, winter/summer/spring break programs, nutrition, late night and youth mentorship programs for youth offered at no cost!
Canada Child Benefit Payments
  • Youth >> Social Assistance Programs
Service Federal
Information on the Canada Child Benefit payments and how to apply.
Canada Post - Canada Post Community Foundation
  • Youth >> Funding
Funding Federal
Funding for projects that support/benefit children
Canadian Feed the Children
  • Health and Healing >> Nutrition and Exercise
  • Youth >> Recreation and Programs
Service Charity
Canadian Feed The Children: Food Security Programs
"We work in partnership with Indigenous communities to support community-led food security. These initiatives help reduce childhood hunger by increasing access to good food and traditional food practices, and by encouraging healthy eating."
Canadian Tire- Jump Start
  • Youth >> Funding
Funding Corporate
Financial assistance for registration fees and equipment for children sports and activity programs
CIBC Foundation
  • Education and Employment >> Post-Secondary
  • Education and Employment >> Primary and Secondary Education
  • Education and Employment >> Training
  • Youth >> Funding
Funding Corporate
We invest in:

Projects increasing access to education and employment outcomes for underserved communities, with a focus on reskilling and upskilling

Programming for children aged 13 and under that supports healthy active living, education and enrichment or help for children with disabilities

Financial education resources and learning opportunities

Under the financial education focus area, CIBC Foundation will consider funding projects that meet the below eligibility:

Canadian registered charities, not-for-profits or qualified donees
Organizations with sound financial practices, and a sustainable funding model
Organizations who track impact with a clear evaluation and measurement process and can specify the number of individuals helped through the project
Culturally informed programs or services that are filling evidence-based gaps in an identified community
Projects or programs that are aligned to the following criteria will be considered:

Educational resources and learning opportunities that aim to improve confidence in individuals' financial education leading to achieving financial wellbeing
Initiatives that allow our team members to volunteer their time by delivering financial education programs in their community
Financial Education requests are accepted year-round but are reviewed between March and October.
CMHC-Housing Internship Initiative for First Nations & Inuit Youth (HIIFNIY)
  • Education and Employment >> Employment
  • Infrastructure >> Housing
  • Youth >> Positive Development Services
Funding Federal
A youth employment initiative providing work experience and on-the-job training for First Nations and Inuit Youth
Department of National Defense
  • Youth >> Funding
Funding Federal
Military training and cultural awareness camp across Canada.
For youth interested in the Canadian Armed Forces.
The youth are paid upon completion of the program.
Dreamcatcher Charitable Fund
  • Youth >> Funding
Funding Non-Profit
Provides assistance to First Nations in: Organized Sports and Recreation, Education, Health Support. Arts and Culture.
Enabling Accessibility Fund – Youth Innovation Component - funding program
  • Health and Healing >> Disability Services
  • Youth >> Funding
Funding Federal
We are looking for young Canadians to help make Canada more accessible for persons with disabilities.

The Enabling Accessibility Fund (EAF) is looking for dynamic youth who want to demonstrate leadership and a commitment to their communities. Through this process, youth volunteer their time to build a more accessible Canada.
Event and Youth Initiative Grants
  • Youth >> Funding
Funding Federal
Organizations should apply for a NARF Event and Youth Initiative Grant if they plan to host initiatives aligned with one or more of the key themes and objectives listed below and designed to achieve one or more of the expected results.

Please read through these guidelines for a clear understanding of the Events and Youth Initiative Program:

Events are community-based, planned public, social, and/or learning occasions and activities relating to the themes and objectives of the National Anti-Racism Fund. Formats include conferences, summits, workshops, galas, festivals, exhibits, and reconciliation or intercultural activities.

Youth Initiatives are projects that are youth-led or focused on youth. Youth are defined as persons under the age of 30. Formats include conferences, summits, workshops, galas, festivals, exhibits, and reconciliation or intercultural activities.
Imagination Library, Canada
  • Youth >> Recreation and Programs
Service Charity
Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library, Canada

A Free Book Gifting Program

Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library of Canada is a free book gifting program devoted to inspiring a love of reading in the hearts of children everywhere. Each month, enrolled children receive a high quality, age appropriate book in the mail, free of charge. Children receive books from birth to age five.

From a Toronto stage in November of 2006, Dolly Parton gleefully announced the Canadian expansion of her Imagination Library. It was the first international push for the organization. The development was thanks, in part, to an early agreement with the Canadian-based organization, Invest in Kids which proved to be just the beginning. Program coverage in Canada spans across Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Northwest Territories, Ontario, Saskatchewan and Yukon Territories.

Each year, more books featuring Canadian authors and illustrators are introduced into the program. Additionally, titles with themes and subjects that appeal to the Canadian readers are added.
  • Youth >> Recreation and Programs
Funding Indigenous Resource
Inner city Youth Alive
  • Youth >> Positive Development Services
Service Organization
Youth programs, camps and events in Winnipeg
Resource Website Category >> Sub Category Type Provider
International Youth Internships Initiative
  • Youth >> Recreation and Programs
Service Federal
International work program for youth (18-35) who possess a secondary school diploma and/or relevant work experience. Program is 4-6 months long.
Ka Ni Kanichihk Inc.- Butterfly Club
  • Youth >> Mentorship and Leadership
Service Indigenous Resource
Weekly program with indigenous girls aged 9-13 that has culture, social and leadership activities.
Ka Ni Kanichihk Inc.- Restoring the Sacred
  • Youth >> Mentorship and Leadership
Service Indigenous Resource
Mentorship program for indigenous youth aged 14-21 who are new to Winnipeg in the past 2 years
Kids of Mud- Manitoba Cycling Association
  • Youth >> Recreation and Programs
Service Non-Profit
Program for kids sixteen and younger to learn about bike riding and training
Clubs all over Manitoba
Life Skills® Training (LST) Program
  • Youth >> Positive Development Services
Service Organization
This program aims to prevent substance use among youth and adolescents and to promote healthy alternatives to risky behaviour.
Appropriate clientele is boys and girls (both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal) in elementary, middle/junior, and high schools who display behavioural problems at an early age.
Lighthouses- Programs for Youth
  • Youth >> Positive Development Services
Service Organization
Youth crime-prevention program supported by Manitoba Justice.
A long-term, community-based, social and economic development strategy that supports and encourages community-driven revitalization efforts in designated neighbourhoods across Manitoba.
Manitoba Aboriginal Head Start Committee
  • Youth >> Recreation and Programs
Service Provincial
Collaborates with currently funded projects and groups or individuals with previous experience and expertise to give advice on planning, implementation and evaluation.
Provides networking, training, project evaluations, policies, standards, guidelines, future funding and renewal decisions.
Manitoba Aboriginal Youth Achievement Awards- Manitoba Hydro
  • Youth >> Funding
Funding Organization
Takes nominations for 2 awards for aboriginal youth aged 16-24
Manitoba Child Benefit
  • Youth >> Social Assistance Programs
Service Provincial
Information on what the Manitoba Child Benefit is, who can qualify, and how to apply.
Manitoba Child Care Subsidy
  • Youth >> Social Assistance Programs
Service Provincial
An overview of the program and what it provides and a link to the application form.
Manitoba Early Learning & Child Care Program
  • Youth >> Social Assistance Programs
Service Provincial
Provincial resources for child care, online registry, and specialized programs.
MB4Youth: Work2it
  • Youth >> Positive Development Services
Service Provincial
Offers supports to youth facing multiple personal barriers to training and employment.
Provides pre-employment training, job coaching and employment opportunities for at-risk youth
Me to We - Aboriginal Leadership Programs for youth
  • Youth >> Mentorship and Leadership
Training & Courses Non-Profit
Sacred Circle focuses on helping to create leaders among First Nations, Metis and Inuit youth.
Mentoring Canada
  • Youth >> Mentorship and Leadership
Service Non-Profit
Promotes and Supports youth mentorship programs in Canada
MNP LLP-AFOA Canada Indigenous Community of Excellence
  • Youth >> Mentorship and Leadership
Funding Indigenous Resource
Awarded to communities that have made great efforts to improve their governance, leadership and management capacity.
Ndinawe Youth Resource Centre
  • Youth >> Recreation and Programs
Service Non-Profit
Has laundry facilities, television, phone services, games, computers, activities, special events, counseling support and resources.
North End Women's Centre
  • Youth >> Positive Development Services
Service Indigenous Resource
This program supports participants to improve caregiving skills by providing one-on-one sessions with caregivers and groups. CFS Liaison assists with advocacy & reunification.
Ogijiita Pimatiswin Kinamatawin
  • Youth >> Positive Development Services
Service Indigenous Resource
Support for indigenous youth and their families.
Services include accessing identification and driver's licenses, advocacy, after hour support, counselling, mediation, support around housing, income, education, training/employment, and mental health/addictions.
Oshki Annishinabe Nigaaniwak
  • Youth >> Positive Development Services
Tools & Information Provincial
To give Indigenous youth positive opportunities in the community and civic system by bridging and providing culturally appropriate programs and supports related to employment, literacy, and recreation to increase resiliency, self-sustainability, pride and future opportunities.
Parks Canada
  • Youth >> Mentorship and Leadership
Tools & Information Federal
Aboriginal Leadership Development Program helps to develop leadership skills in youth
Resource Website Category >> Sub Category Type Provider
Pathways to Educate Program
  • Youth >> Positive Development Services
Service Organization
Provides multi-faceted and long-term support to young people living in low-income neighbourhoods.
Centered on academic support; community mobilization; counselling and social work; job employment; leadership and youth development; mentoring - tutoring; skills training; and truancy prevention.
Paul Yuzyk Youth Initiative for Multiculturalism
  • Youth >> Funding
Funding Federal
Funding for youth led initiatives in the areas of: skills development (e.g. youth leadership) initiatives, development of learning materials, tools, and training sessions, knowledge-sharing initiatives, meetings, events and workshops, development of services responsive to eliminating racism and discrimination; or development of tech-based solutions, including prototypes of software applications and algorithms.
PAX Good Behaviour Game (GBG)
  • Youth >> Positive Development Services
Service Provincial
Teaches students self-regulation, self-control, and self-management while collaborating with others for peace, productivity, health, and happiness.
Project Neecheewam
  • Youth >> Positive Development Services
Service Non-Profit
Has crisis intervention, alternative care and emergency resources for youth care
Projects - Inter-Action: Multiculturalism Funding Program
  • Youth >> Funding
Funding Federal
Priority is given to projects that:
Work toward the elimination of discrimination, racism and prejudice;
Provide opportunities for youth community engagement; and
Bring people together through art, culture and/or sport.
Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies (PATH)
  • Youth >> Positive Development Services
Service Organization
Promotes emotional and social competencies and reduces aggression and behaviour problems in elementary school-aged children, while simultaneously enhancing the educational process in the classroom.
Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies (PATH)
  • Youth >> Positive Development Services
Service Organization
Promotes emotional and social competencies and reduces aggression and behaviour problems in elementary school-aged children, while simultaneously enhancing the educational process in the classroom.
Public Safety Canada: Overview of Approaches to Address Bullying and Cyberbullying
  • Youth >> Positive Development Services
Tools & Information Federal
This report provides research information on bullying, risk and protective factors, as well as a list and description of organizations that work to prevent and deal with these issues.
Public Safety Canada: Overview of Direct Intervention Approaches to Address Youth Gangs and Youth Violence
  • Youth >> Positive Development Services
Tools & Information Federal
This report provides research information on youth gangs and violence and lists different organizations that work to solve these issues. It also shows funded projects across Canada.
RBC Youth Mental Well-Being
  • Health and Healing >> Family and Child Health
  • Health and Healing >> Mental Health and Suicide Help
  • Health and Healing >> Violence Prevention and Resources
  • Youth >> Recreation and Programs
Funding Financial Institution
We will also consider supporting other programs that increase access to care if they are collaborative, have proven results and can demonstrate successful outcomes. We will prioritize granting for programs that increase collaboration across service providers to reduce fragmentation.
Resource Assistance for Youth
  • Youth >> Positive Development Services
Service Organization
Assistance with youth homelessness, evictions and employment
Resources for Children and Youth
  • Youth >> Positive Development Services
Service Indigenous Resource
A program for female youth in gangs or in the Justice system aged 12-17
Delivers training, life skills, pre-employment training, personal awareness and teaches indigenous culture and traditions
River East Transcona School Division High School Apprenticeship Program
  • Youth >> Mentorship and Leadership
Tools & Information Organization
Information on the High School Apprenticeship Program offered by River East Transcona School Division.
Roots of Empathy (ROE)
  • Youth >> Positive Development Services
Service Organization
Seeks to reduce levels of aggression among school children by raising social/emotional competence and increasing empathy.
School Resource Officer (SRO) Program
  • Youth >> Positive Development Services
Service Provincial
Officer provides public safety and law-related education, relationship building and positive role modeling, community liaison, problem solving and law enforcement.
Selkirk Team for At-Risk Teens (S.T.A.R.T.),through%20a%20consent-based%2C%20culturally%20inclusive%20and%20client-centred%20approach.
  • Youth >> Positive Development Services
Service Organization
Coordinated inter-agency case planning program for high-risk youth in Selkirk (Manitoba) and the surrounding area
Utilizes community and family resources to intervene, plan for and support these youth.
Sport Manitoba- Grants Manual
  • Youth >> Funding
Funding Organization
Grants for athletes, coaches and officials in communities
Sport Support Program Guidelines and Funding Application
  • Youth >> Recreation and Programs
Service Federal
The Sport Support Program (SSP) supports the development of Canadian athletes and coaches and Canadians’ participation in sport. Funding is provided to eligible organizations for programming and projects that support the goals of the Canadian Sport Policy.
TD Friends of the Environment Foundation
  • Youth >> Funding
Funding Foundation
Funding for natural playgrounds, schoolyard greening, environment education programs and many others
Teen Talk North
  • Youth >> Positive Development Services
Service Organization
Teen Talk provides a Northern program which puts on workshops to teach about sexual health, mental health, and healthy relationships.
Resource Website Category >> Sub Category Type Provider
The Fourth 'R'
  • Youth >> Positive Development Services
Service Organization
An interactive classroom curriculum that aims to reduce youth dating violence by addressing youth violence and bullying, unsafe sexual behaviour, and substance use.
The Momentum Centre
  • Youth >> Positive Development Services
Service Organization
Helps Indigenous and New Canadians ages 18-30 find careers that are meaningful to them.
Offers the opportunity of paid employment terms in the individuals area of interest.
The National Indian Youth Leadership Project: Project Venture
  • Youth >> Positive Development Services
Service Organization
An outdoor youth development program developed by the National Indian Youth Leadership Project (NIYLP)
Aimed to prevent substance abuse among Indigenous youth.
The National Indian Youth Leadership Project: Project Venture
  • Youth >> Positive Development Services
Service Organization
An outdoor youth development program developed by the National Indian Youth Leadership Project (NIYLP)
Aimed to prevent substance abuse among Indigenous youth.
Turnabout Program
  • Youth >> Positive Development Services
Service Provincial
Manitoba-wide integrated response to children under the age of 12 years who have come into contact with the police for actions that may result in charges if they were 12 years or over.
Also extends to those who are exhibiting behaviours that put them at-risk of becoming involved with police.
University of Manitoba - Mini U
  • Youth >> Recreation and Programs
Tools & Information University / College
A list of Mini U summer camps offered through the University of Manitoba
We Matter
  • Youth >> Positive Development Services
Tools & Information Non-Profit
We Matter is an Indigenous youth-led and nationally registered organization dedicated to Indigenous youth support, hope and life promotion.
Young Canada Works
  • Youth >> Funding
Funding Federal
Through summer job programs and internship programs, students and recent graduates can put their skills to the test, build career equity, earn money for their education or get started on the right career path.
Youth Action fund (YAF)
  • Youth >> Funding
  • Youth >> Positive Development Services
Funding Foundation
The Youth Action Fund (YAF), as informed by our Strategic Plan, offers grants to grassroots initiatives working with youth who are underserved by the education system and overrepresented in the justice and child welfare systems. The development of this fund was guided by a series of consultations with experts and advocates in the field. More specifically, the Youth Action Fund grants are for grassroot initiatives to develop and lead projects where they elevate priorities and voices of youth with lived experiences in the identified systems; promote equitable and accountable institutions and systems; advocate for evidence-based policy; support initiatives working on, or, advocating for early intervention; and support initiatives that are informed by youth, families, and communities.
Youth Action fund (YAF)
  • Youth >> Funding
  • Youth >> Positive Development Services
Funding Foundation
The Youth Action Fund (YAF), as informed by our Strategic Plan, offers grants to grassroots initiatives working with youth who are underserved by the education system and overrepresented in the justice and child welfare systems. The development of this fund was guided by a series of consultations with experts and advocates in the field. More specifically, the Youth Action Fund grants are for grassroot initiatives to develop and lead projects where they elevate priorities and voices of youth with lived experiences in the identified systems; promote equitable and accountable institutions and systems; advocate for evidence-based policy; support initiatives working on, or, advocating for early intervention; and support initiatives that are informed by youth, families, and communities.
Youth Advisory Committee
  • Youth >> Mentorship and Leadership
  • Youth >> Positive Development Services
Service Federal
The RCMP is currently recruiting for the 2024-2025 RCMP National Youth Advisory Committee! Applications must be received by September 9, 2024. Those who apply by July 31 will be considered as part of the first selection round. The National Youth Advisory Committee members meet on a moderated, private online forum to discuss youth trends, RCMP programs, as well as youth crime and victimization issues. This commitment requires approximately two to four online hours per month, from October to June.
Youth Advisory Committee
  • Youth >> Mentorship and Leadership
  • Youth >> Positive Development Services
Service Federal
The RCMP is currently recruiting for the 2024-2025 RCMP National Youth Advisory Committee! Applications must be received by September 9, 2024. Those who apply by July 31 will be considered as part of the first selection round. The National Youth Advisory Committee members meet on a moderated, private online forum to discuss youth trends, RCMP programs, as well as youth crime and victimization issues. This commitment requires approximately two to four online hours per month, from October to June.
Youth Education / Water First
  • Youth >> Mentorship and Leadership
Training & Courses Charity
Hands-on education programs to engage youth in the importance of sustaining our waterways.
Youth Justice Funds - Department of Justice
  • Youth >> Funding
Funding Federal
Grants that involve youth justice issues and better the youth justice system
Youth Leading in a Good Way (Oshkiiwaadizag Mino Niigaaniiwad)
  • Youth >> Positive Development Services
Service Indigenous Resource
Centered on community mobilization, conflict resolution, counselling, social work, leadership, youth development, skills training, parent training, and social emotional learning.
Youth Progams - River East Transcona School Division
  • Youth >> Mentorship and Leadership
Tools & Information Organization
A list of volunteer and after school programs offered by River East Transcona School Division.
Youth Resources and Programs
  • Youth >> Recreation and Programs
Funding Organization
Youth Water Guardians program. Seventh generation waste warriors. Programs for youth.
Youth Revolution - Brandon School Division
  • Youth >> Positive Development Services
Tools & Information Organization
A program within the Brandon School Division which promotes volunteerism and healthy active lifestyle choices.
Unite Interactive