Resource Library

Count: 39
Resource Website Category >> Sub Category Type Provider
Circles for Reconciliation
  • Reconciliation >> Healing
Service Organization
Indigenous and non-indigenous discussion circles to further reconciliation
Legacy of Hope Foundation
  • Health and Healing >> Other Programs, Resources and Funding
  • Reconciliation >> Healing
Tools & Information Foundation
Education and resources to fund and aid Indigenous communities in healing and building their communities.
National Indian Brotherhood (NIB)- NIB Trust Fund
  • Reconciliation >> Healing
Funding Organization
Funding for education programs for healing and reconciliation.
Reconciliation Canada - Community Action Toolkits
  • Reconciliation >> Healing
Tools & Information Organization
Several toolkits designed to use to have a dialogue on reconciliation and take reconciliation action.
Reconciliation Dialogue Workshop
  • Reconciliation >> Information
Tools & Information Organization
From the PDF: "The purpose of Reconciliation Dialogue Workshops is to provide an opportunity for participants to discuss issues related to reconciliation, explore our shared history, the intergenerational impacts of Indian Residential Schools and take positive steps towards honouring diversity and building resilience. These sessions bring diverse participants together in a safe environment that allows for meaningful dialogue and relationship building. It is an opportunity for sharing stories of resilience, gaining a greater understanding of our shared history and exploring pathways to reconciliation including the development of concrete action plans."
Manitoba Trauma Information and Education Centre
  • Reconciliation >> Information
Service Organization
Provides a trauma toolkit, webinars, seminars, and other resources that intend to help educate on how to deal with the trauma individuals and family experience due to residential schooling.
Memorandum of Understanding Between the Assembly of First Nations and Indigenous Services Canada
  • Reconciliation >> Information
Tools & Information Federal
PDF copy of the signed Memorandum of Understanding
First Nations Education Steering Committee
  • Reconciliation >> Healing
Tools & Information Organization
Indian Residential Schools and Reconciliation Resources for primary and secondary school children
Canadian Archaeological Association
  • Reconciliation >> Information
Tools & Information Organization
The Canadian Archaeological Association provides information and resources for communities considering investigating Residential School sites.
Resources for Communities Considering Investigating Unmarked Graves
  • Health and Healing >> Other Programs, Resources and Funding
  • Reconciliation >> Healing
Tools & Information Organization
Canadian Archeological Association provides some information about how these technologies are used in locating unmarked grave sites. Contact information given if you have more questions.
  • Reconciliation >> Information
Tools & Information Corporate
Curio is your go-to site for CBC/Radio-Canada content carefully selected for its relevance to every subject area. Learning comes alive with Curio.
CIM Toolkit on Reconciliation
  • Reconciliation >> Information
Tools & Information Organization
Toolkit on a holistic approach to reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples
First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada: Reconciliation in Canada
  • Reconciliation >> Information
Tools & Information Organization
Touchstones of hope and ways in which reconciliation in Canada can be achieved
National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation
  • Reconciliation >> Information
Tools & Information Organization
The NCTR is a place of learning and dialogue where the truths of the residential school experience will be honoured and kept safe for future generations. The NTCR contains archival information, information on supports for survivors, and reports from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation- University of Manitoba
  • Reconciliation >> Information
Service Organization
A centre of research on how to better complete the journey of reconciliation.
Provides research papers, complete summary of the Final Report of Truth and Reconciliation, resources for education, and much more.
Commemorative Support Fund
  • Art, Culture & Language >> Heritage
  • Reconciliation >> Healing
Funding University / College
The Commemorative Support Fund, offered through the Na-mi-quai-ni-mak (I Remember Them) Fund at the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation (NCTR) and in partnership with Parks Canada to support Call to Action 73.9 can provide a one-time grant of up to $25,000 towards commemorative symbols and activities connected to the Indian Residential School System. Please note that limited amount of funding is available. Eligible recipients include non-profit organizations, Indigenous (First Nation, Metis, and Inuit) communities, Survivor organizations, schools, band offices, etc. The selection process will prioritize initiatives that actively involve Survivors in planning and implementation. Communities and Survivors of residential schools know which symbols and activities best support commemorative initiatives within their communities. This fund will support them in pursuing what they consider most beneficial. Possible symbols and activities may include, but are not limited to:
• Commemorative symbols: memorial pieces, healing gardens, murals, carvings, plaques, cradleboards, etc.
• Commemorative activities: memorial feasts, gatherings, ceremonies, etc.
Community Healing Fund
  • Health and Healing >> Mental Health and Suicide Help
  • Reconciliation >> Healing
Funding University / College
The Community Healing Fund, offered through the Na-mi-quai-ni-mak (I Remember Them) Fund at the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation (NCTR) can provide a one-time grant of up to $10,000 towards community healing gatherings or workshops connected to the Indian Residential School System. Eligible recipients include non-profit organizations, Indigenous (First Nation, Metis, and Inuit) communities, Survivor organizations, schools, band offices, etc. The selection process will prioritize initiatives that actively involve Survivors in planning and implementation. Communities and Survivors of residential schools know which gatherings or workshops best support their community healing. This fund will support them in pursuing what they consider most beneficial. Possible gatherings or workshops may include, but are not limited to:
• Community‐led healing gatherings: Ceremony, feasts, etc.
• Healing workshops: Cultural workshops, mental health-focused workshops, traditional activities and ceremonies, etc.
Interactive Info Map about the TRC
  • Reconciliation >> Information
Tools & Information Corporate
Information about the TRC and the Calls to Action,
Decolonizing Planning: Experiences with Urban Aboriginal Communities and First Nations
  • Reconciliation >> Information
Tools & Information University / College
Book on aboriginal planners and how projects are decolonizing the aboriginal people in the region of Winnipeg, Manitoba
Indigenous Reconciliation group
  • Reconciliation >> Information
Tools & Information Indigenous Resource
Reports, documents and educational resources relating to reconciliation
Resource Website Category >> Sub Category Type Provider
Pathways to Healing Program
  • Reconciliation >> Information
Tools & Information Indigenous Resource
Recognizing that communities know best how to remember the children and honour Survivors of the residential and day schools, Sixties Scoop, child welfare system, and MMIWG2s+, Southern Chiefs Organization is providing grants to our member Nations wanting to host events, gatherings, ceremonies or to develop a monument or memorial.
SERDC Health Services Indian Residential School Resolution Health Support Program
  • Reconciliation >> Information
Tools & Information Indigenous Resource
SERDC Health Services provides health resources and support to Indigenous Residential School survivors in 8 communities in Southeastern Manitoba.
Government of Canada- Budget Highlights 2018
  • Reconciliation >> Information
Tools & Information Federal
Information on the significant investments of $11.8 billion in the previous two budgets and taking further steps towards reconciliation by investing in priority areas identified by First Nations, Inuit and Métis Nation partners.
Royal Commision of Aboriginal Peoples
  • Reconciliation >> Information
Tools & Information Federal
The final report and a searchable database which contains documents and research on the agreement
Events — Multiculturalism and Anti-Racism Program
  • Community Development >> Community Engagement Tools
  • Health and Healing >> Other Programs, Resources and Funding
  • Reconciliation >> Healing
Funding Federal
In recognition of the United Nations International Decade for People of African Descent, the Multiculturalism and Anti-Racism Program (MARP) will include a new priority in its Events component: celebrations and events that recognize the history, culture, accomplishments, contributions and future of Black Canadians and their communities.

Also, in alignment with the ongoing efforts to combat systemic racism and promote inclusivity, a new priority on combatting anti-Asian racism has been established for the Events component. This priority will specifically focus on anti-Asian racism initiatives that aim to raise awareness, foster understanding, and honour the contributions of Asian Canadians to our diverse society. The objective is to promote inclusion and unity, while empowering communities to stand against racism in all its forms.

In addition, $3 million has been set aside for another new priority, Building Community Resilience. This call to action seeks to empower communities by facilitating events and initiatives that strengthen connections, foster unity, build resilience, and establish a national network of best practices. The ultimate objective is to inspire and catalyze local grassroots initiatives that build bridges and unite Canadians.

To be eligible for funding your event must meet all of the following requirements:

establish concrete opportunities for positive interaction among cultural, religious or ethnocultural communities
demonstrate involvement of more than one single cultural, religious or ethnocultural community or target a single cultural community and provide opportunities to engage with and foster pride in the community’s history, culture and/or identity, such as heritage months recognized by Parliament
help foster intercultural or interfaith understanding
be open to and intended for the general public
Department of National Defence Indigenous Reconciliation Program
  • Reconciliation >> Healing
Database Federal
The Indigenous Reconciliation Program provides funding for work that helps build and maintain relationships between Indigenous communities and the Department of National Defence/Canadian Armed Forces (DND/CAF).

You can request Engagement and Collaboration Grants to support costs associated with targeted or occasional events that encourage dialogue between Indigenous communities and military establishments and/or Defence programs.

You may request up to $50,000 to:

host or participate in workshops, conferences, roundtables, town halls, and informal discussions
conduct cultural activities and ceremonies
create community outreach events
support or participate in established, ongoing events, workshops, and meetings
other relationship-building activities
Signing of a Memorandum of Understanding on a New Fiscal Relationship with the Assembly of First Nations
  • Reconciliation >> Information
Tools & Information Federal
Overview of the direction and intent of the Memorandum of Understanding.
CPHA Policy on Indigenous relations and Reconciliation
  • Reconciliation >> Information
Tools & Information Federal
Canadian Public Health Association policy regarding Indigenous relations and reconciliation
Residential School Artists
  • Reconciliation >> Healing
Tools & Information Indigenous Resource
Featuring talented artists that are residential school survivors
Winds of Change campaign
  • Education and Employment >> Training
  • Reconciliation >> Information
Service Organization
TRC Calls to Action campaign. Resources, media training, and education for reconciliation programs.
Indigenous Cinema,title&year=1917..2018
  • Art, Culture & Language >> Heritage
  • Reconciliation >> Healing
Database Non-Profit
NFB’s rich online collection of Indigenous-made films.
Government of Canada - Residential Schools Survivors General Information & Resources
  • Reconciliation >> Information
Tools & Information Federal
Government of Canada information on Residential Schools and the various federal tools and resources available to survivors.
Resources for Reconciliation
  • Health and Healing >> Grief Resources
  • Health and Healing >> Other Programs, Resources and Funding
  • Reconciliation >> Information
Tools & Information Federal
Various resources for Reconciliation and Healing. Links for information on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Further resources for Sixties Scoop and Residential school survivors.
#Indigenous Reads
  • Reconciliation >> Information
Tools & Information Federal
#IndigenousReads encourages reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples through sharing literature written by First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples. Join the conversation by
using the hashtag #IndigenousReads to share what you're reading.
Are you part of the Sixties Scoop class litigation?
  • Reconciliation >> Information
Service Federal
Description of the Sixties Scoop settlement, what it includes, when payments will be received, and who will receive the payments.
Community Support Funding - Residential Schools
  • Health and Healing >> Other Programs, Resources and Funding
  • Reconciliation >> Healing
Funding Federal
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission's Calls to Action 74 to 76 sets out an approach to address missing children and burial sites of Indian Residential Schools. This funding is dedicated to:
•locating, documenting, maintaining and commemorating burial sites associated with former residential schools
•responding to family wishes to commemorate or memorialize their losses and the children's final resting places

Funding for communities for:
local research, engagement and knowledge gathering for: ◦engaging partners and other home communities to develop an inclusive approach to locating missing children and their burial sites at a specific residential school
◦gathering local knowledge or conducting local research about missing children and the location of burials at a specific residential school
◦developing plans and proposals for unmarked or known cemeteries and burials at a specific residential school

memorialization or commemoration:
◦identifying burial site memorialization initiatives including installation or restoration of grave markers, landscaping, placement of small monuments or other activities (such as healing gardens and places for contemplation)
◦organizing commemorative events for cemeteries, unmarked graves left undisturbed and honouring Survivors

bringing children home by:
◦locating and assessing (such as surveying, archaeological work) burial locations
◦relocating individuals from burial sites to final resting places
◦holding homecoming ceremonies and other activities (such as community feasts, healing circles)
4 Seasons of Reconciliation
  • Reconciliation >> Healing
Tools & Information Organization
A multi-media education resource on topics that concern Indigenous reconciliation.
Also organize reconciliation trips to communities.
Government of Canada -Indian Residential Schools Resolution Health Support Program
  • Reconciliation >> Healing
Tools & Information Federal
Available for Residential School Survivors and their families through the Government of Canada, eligible participants are able to access emotional and cultural supports. as well as professional counseling. Other resources are also available through the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement.
Healing Fund - The United Church
  • Reconciliation >> Information
Funding Organization
Grant towards Indigenous communities affected by the Residential school system
Unite Interactive