Resource Library

Count: 132
Resource Website Category >> Sub Category Type Provider
The Catherine Donnelly Foundation
  • Education and Employment >> Training
  • Environment and Lands >> Environmental Projects
  • Health and Healing >> Other Programs, Resources and Funding
Funding Charity
The Foundation strives to transform the lives of the underserved by supporting initiatives in the areas of access to housing, the environment, and civic engagement for social change. We achieve this by funding, ethical investing and collaborating with organizations across Canada. The Catherine Donnelly Foundation Board currently reviews grant application requests twice yearly to determine successful applications based on the recommendations of its committees.

Please note that the grant application process takes approximately eight weeks from the invited application deadline until board review and approval for all three areas of focus (Civic Engagement for Social Change, Environment, and Housing).

The Catherine Donnelly Foundation will not consider funding the following:

Retroactive funding
Fundraising campaigns
Operating deficits
Projects outside of Canada
Emergency appeals
Purely commercial recordings or film projects

Potential applicants are strongly advised to contact the Foundation office prior to submitting a Letter of Inquiry.
Best Buy- School Tech Grants
  • Education and Employment >> Primary and Secondary Education
Funding Corporate
The grants provided exist to equip Canadian students with the right technology to keep them inspired, motivated and empowered as they learn and grow.
Breakfast for Learning
  • Education and Employment >> Primary and Secondary Education
Funding Corporate
Grants for breakfast and snack programs are available for schools.
This includes a grant for kitchen equipment to prepare the food.
Cenovus Energy - Indigenous Scholarship
  • Education and Employment >> Post-Secondary
Funding Corporate
Scholarship for Indigenous students interested in a career in the oil and gas industry.
CIBC Foundation
  • Education and Employment >> Post-Secondary
  • Education and Employment >> Primary and Secondary Education
  • Education and Employment >> Training
  • Youth >> Funding
Funding Corporate
We invest in:

Projects increasing access to education and employment outcomes for underserved communities, with a focus on reskilling and upskilling

Programming for children aged 13 and under that supports healthy active living, education and enrichment or help for children with disabilities

Financial education resources and learning opportunities

Under the financial education focus area, CIBC Foundation will consider funding projects that meet the below eligibility:

Canadian registered charities, not-for-profits or qualified donees
Organizations with sound financial practices, and a sustainable funding model
Organizations who track impact with a clear evaluation and measurement process and can specify the number of individuals helped through the project
Culturally informed programs or services that are filling evidence-based gaps in an identified community
Projects or programs that are aligned to the following criteria will be considered:

Educational resources and learning opportunities that aim to improve confidence in individuals' financial education leading to achieving financial wellbeing
Initiatives that allow our team members to volunteer their time by delivering financial education programs in their community
Financial Education requests are accepted year-round but are reviewed between March and October.
CIBC Foundation
  • Education and Employment >> Post-Secondary
  • Education and Employment >> Primary and Secondary Education
  • Education and Employment >> Training
  • Youth >> Funding
Funding Corporate
We invest in:

Projects increasing access to education and employment outcomes for underserved communities, with a focus on reskilling and upskilling

Programming for children aged 13 and under that supports healthy active living, education and enrichment or help for children with disabilities

Financial education resources and learning opportunities

Under the financial education focus area, CIBC Foundation will consider funding projects that meet the below eligibility:

Canadian registered charities, not-for-profits or qualified donees
Organizations with sound financial practices, and a sustainable funding model
Organizations who track impact with a clear evaluation and measurement process and can specify the number of individuals helped through the project
Culturally informed programs or services that are filling evidence-based gaps in an identified community
Projects or programs that are aligned to the following criteria will be considered:

Educational resources and learning opportunities that aim to improve confidence in individuals' financial education leading to achieving financial wellbeing
Initiatives that allow our team members to volunteer their time by delivering financial education programs in their community
Financial Education requests are accepted year-round but are reviewed between March and October.
CIBC Foundation
  • Education and Employment >> Post-Secondary
  • Education and Employment >> Primary and Secondary Education
  • Education and Employment >> Training
  • Youth >> Funding
Funding Corporate
We invest in:

Projects increasing access to education and employment outcomes for underserved communities, with a focus on reskilling and upskilling

Programming for children aged 13 and under that supports healthy active living, education and enrichment or help for children with disabilities

Financial education resources and learning opportunities

Under the financial education focus area, CIBC Foundation will consider funding projects that meet the below eligibility:

Canadian registered charities, not-for-profits or qualified donees
Organizations with sound financial practices, and a sustainable funding model
Organizations who track impact with a clear evaluation and measurement process and can specify the number of individuals helped through the project
Culturally informed programs or services that are filling evidence-based gaps in an identified community
Projects or programs that are aligned to the following criteria will be considered:

Educational resources and learning opportunities that aim to improve confidence in individuals' financial education leading to achieving financial wellbeing
Initiatives that allow our team members to volunteer their time by delivering financial education programs in their community
Financial Education requests are accepted year-round but are reviewed between March and October.
Indigenous Line Trades Pre-Placement Program- Manitoba Hydro
  • Education and Employment >> Training
Training & Courses Corporate
6 month paid program to prepare students for the power line technician program
Trades and Technology Training - Manitoba Hydro
  • Education and Employment >> Training
Training & Courses Corporate
A list of training programs offered by Manitoba Hydro
Aboriginal Skills and Employment Training Strategy (ASETS)
  • Education and Employment >> Employment
Funding Federal
Will link your training needs to labour market demands
Provide you with training or skills upgrading to help find a job
Help with skills development, training, job finding, programs for youth, programs for indigenous people with disabilities and access to child care.
AgriDiversity Program
  • Education and Employment >> Employment
  • Education and Employment >> Training
Training & Courses Federal
The program works to support projects aimed at helping Indigenous Peoples and other underrepresented and marginalized groups in Canadian agriculture — including women, youth, persons with disabilities, racialized persons, visible minorities, 2SLGBTQI+ communities, and official language minority communities — to fully participate in the sector by helping these groups address the key issues and barriers they often face for sector participation, assist activities that promote the benefits of a career in agriculture and that enhance the public's perception of agriculture and its role in the economy, assist Canadian organizations working in the agriculture and agri-food sector, and help Indigenous Peoples and other underrepresented and marginalized groups in the agriculture and agri-food sector.
AgriDiversity Program
  • Education and Employment >> Employment
  • Education and Employment >> Training
Training & Courses Federal
The program works to support projects aimed at helping Indigenous Peoples and other underrepresented and marginalized groups in Canadian agriculture — including women, youth, persons with disabilities, racialized persons, visible minorities, 2SLGBTQI+ communities, and official language minority communities — to fully participate in the sector by helping these groups address the key issues and barriers they often face for sector participation, assist activities that promote the benefits of a career in agriculture and that enhance the public's perception of agriculture and its role in the economy, assist Canadian organizations working in the agriculture and agri-food sector, and help Indigenous Peoples and other underrepresented and marginalized groups in the agriculture and agri-food sector.
Benefits for Indigenous peoples
  • Education and Employment >> Employment
Tools & Information Federal
List of employment and training initiatives
Canada Media Fund
  • Art, Culture & Language >> Cultural Events and Programs
  • Education and Employment >> Training
Funding Federal
The Canada Media Fund (CMF) supports the creation of popular, innovative Canadian content and software applications. The CMF receives contributions from the Government of Canada and Canada’s cable, satellite and Internet Protocol television (IPTV) distributors.

The CMF is a not-for-profit corporation that supports the Canadian television and digital media industries through two streams of funding.
Canada Summer Jobs
  • Education and Employment >> Employment
Service Federal
CSJ 2024 will aim to create 70,000 summer jobs for young Canadians, with an emphasis on creating jobs for youth facing barriers to employment. This is part of the over 140,000 opportunities that the Government of Canada aims to create for youth this year.
CMHC-Housing Internship Initiative for First Nations & Inuit Youth (HIIFNIY)
  • Education and Employment >> Employment
  • Infrastructure >> Housing
  • Youth >> Positive Development Services
Funding Federal
A youth employment initiative providing work experience and on-the-job training for First Nations and Inuit Youth
Computers for Schools Plus
  • Education and Employment >> Financial Aid
Funding Federal
We provide digital devices and accessories to schools, low-income Canadians, not-for-profit organizations, and Indigenous communities. To obtain digital devices and accessories, please contact your local CFS+ Affiliate.
Emergency Management Assistance Program
  • Community Safety >> Programs
  • Education and Employment >> Training
Funding Federal
In partnership with First Nations communities, provincial and territorial governments and non-government organizations, Indigenous Services Canada's Emergency Management Assistance Program (EMAP) helps communities on reserve access emergency assistance services.

EMAP provides funding to First Nations communities so they can build resiliency, prepare for natural hazards and respond to them using the 4 pillars of emergency management:

EMAP aims to be:

culturally sensitive
responsive to the unique strengths and customs of First Nations communities
adaptive to the evolving challenges resulting from emergency events
The program also provides funding to provinces, territories and non-government organizations to support on-reserve emergency management.
Fighting and Managing Wildfires in a Changing Climate Program: Equipment fund
  • Community Safety >> Tools
  • Education and Employment >> Employment
Funding Federal
Fund to support the efforts of provinces and territories to strengthen capacities and capabilities in fire management across Canada by procuring specialized wildland firefighting equipment, such as fire crew trucks and personal protective equipment.
Funding for First Nations for Post-Secondary Education Model
  • Community Development >> Community Engagement Tools
  • Education and Employment >> Financial Aid
  • Education and Employment >> Post-Secondary
Funding Federal
This program supports First Nations in their development of comprehensive, integrated, First Nations regional post-secondary education models that will be accessible to all status First Nations people (registered Indians).

These may include treaty-based, self-government or regional models to enable First Nations control of First Nations education. Models may include funding to support:
•First Nations institutes
•adult education and facilities
•community-based programming
Resource Website Category >> Sub Category Type Provider
Funding for First Nations for Post-Secondary Education Model
  • Community Development >> Community Engagement Tools
  • Education and Employment >> Financial Aid
  • Education and Employment >> Post-Secondary
Funding Federal
This program supports First Nations in their development of comprehensive, integrated, First Nations regional post-secondary education models that will be accessible to all status First Nations people (registered Indians).

These may include treaty-based, self-government or regional models to enable First Nations control of First Nations education. Models may include funding to support:
•First Nations institutes
•adult education and facilities
•community-based programming
Government of Canada
  • Education and Employment >> Financial Aid
Tools & Information Federal
Information and Tips on paying back student debt
Government of Canada
  • Education and Employment >> Financial Aid
Tools & Information Federal
Information and tips on student lines of credit
Government of Canada
  • Education and Employment >> Financial Aid
Tools & Information Federal
Information on working to pay for your education and tips for working while you get an education
Government of Canada
  • Education and Employment >> Financial Aid
Tools & Information Federal
Information on student loans and bankruptcy
Government of Canada
  • Education and Employment >> Post-Secondary
Tools & Information Federal
Information on how to budget for post-secondary education.
Government of Canada - Budget Worksheet
  • Education and Employment >> Financial Aid
Tools & Information Federal
Budget worksheet
Government of Canada Jobs
  • Education and Employment >> Employment
Tools & Information Federal
Job bank of jobs across Canada with the federal government
Government of Canada- Job Bank
  • Education and Employment >> Employment
Tools & Information Federal
Job bank of jobs across Canada
High-Cost Special Education Program
  • Education and Employment >> Primary and Secondary Education
  • Health and Healing >> Disability Services
Funding Federal
ISC supports First Nations students' special education needs through 2 programs:
•the Elementary and Secondary Education Program funds special education services for First Nations students identified as having mild to profound learning disabilities. Funding is provided for programming, remedial instruction, clinical services and resource teacher staffing
•the High-Cost Special Education Program funds additional services for high-cost special education students assessed with moderate to profound learning disabilities. Funding is provided for direct service support in the form of personnel, adaptive materials and resource services
Indigenous Student Employment Opportunity
  • Education and Employment >> Employment
Database Federal
The program offers employment to indigenous full time students that qualify
Innovation In Education Program
  • Education and Employment >> Primary and Secondary Education
Funding Federal
Supports innovative programs and projects, which aim to improve outcomes for First Nations communities, schools and students.The program supports development and implementation of innovative education program pilots, for example:
•projects related to technology
•land-based learning or Indigenous language and culture
ISC - Education Partnerships Program
  • Education and Employment >> Primary and Secondary Education
Funding Federal
This proposal-based program is designed to advance First Nations student achievement in First Nations and provincial schools.
The Education Partnerships Program (EPP) promotes collaboration between First Nations, provinces, Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) and other stakeholders.
ISC - Education Partnerships Program
  • Education and Employment >> Primary and Secondary Education
Funding Federal
Aims to improve coordination between First Nations and provincial schools to ensure smooth transitions, including between elementary and secondary education on reserve and early childhood programs, or post-secondary and labour market training programs through partnership activities that involve other federal and provincial departments
ISC - First Nations and Inuit Skills Link Program
  • Education and Employment >> Employment
Funding Federal
This program helps First Nation and Inuit youth acquire essential employment skills and learn about job and career options.
ISC - First Nations and Inuit Summer Work Experience Program (SWEP)
  • Education and Employment >> Employment
Funding Federal
The First Nations and Inuit SWEP provides youth with summer employment opportunities where they can gain work experience and develop important skills such as communication, problem-solving and teamwork.
ISC - High Cost Special Education Program
  • Education and Employment >> Primary and Secondary Education
Funding Federal
Indigenous Services Canada (ISC)'s High-Cost Special Education Program helps eligible First Nations students with high-cost special needs to access quality programs and services that are culturally sensitive and reflective of generally accepted provincial or territorial standards.
ISC - Indigenous Bursaries Search tool
  • Education and Employment >> Financial Aid
Funding Federal
The Aboriginal Bursaries Search Tool is a searchable list of 688 bursaries, scholarships and incentives across Canada.
ISC - New Paths for Education: Innovation Activities
  • Education and Employment >> Primary and Secondary Education
Funding Federal
This program is intended to assist band-operated schools to:
Pilot a new program in school
Pilot an adaptation of an existing program for a new purpose or for a new audience in school
Assess and measure the impact of the pilot program on New Paths for Education objectives and outcomes
Share the story of successfully piloted innovations nationwide
ISC - New policy and funding approach for First Nations kindergarten to grade 12 education
  • Education and Employment >> Primary and Secondary Education
Funding Federal
An updated funding approach co-developed to better meet the needs of First Nations students on reserve.
Resource Website Category >> Sub Category Type Provider
ISC - Post Secondary Partnerships Program
  • Education and Employment >> Post-Secondary
Funding Federal
This program is a competitive, proposal-driven process based on merit and focused on meeting labour market needs. It supports projects that deliver a program of study or develop new courses and programs tailored for First Nations and Inuit students.
ISC- Post-Secondary Student Support Program
  • Education and Employment >> Financial Aid
Funding Federal
Funding for Inuit and First Nations post-secondary students to access education and acquire employable skills
ISC- University and College Entrance Preparation Program
  • Education and Employment >> Post-Secondary
Training & Courses Federal
This program aims to increase the number of First Nations and Inuit students with the academic level required for entrance into post-secondary programs
ISC-Indigenous employment
  • Education and Employment >> Employment
Tools & Information Federal
Resources such as a Job bank and job market information
Post-Secondary Partnerships
  • Education and Employment >> Post-Secondary
Funding Federal
Respecting the principle of First Nations control of First Nations education, Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) provides funding to the Post-Secondary Partnerships Program to support First Nations established post-secondary education institutions and First Nations-directed community-based programming. This program supports First Nations in defining their own partnerships with educational institutions to increase the availability of post-secondary education programs tailored to First Nations' cultural and educational needs
Student Financial Assistance- Government of Canada
  • Education and Employment >> Financial Aid
Funding Federal
Information and tools designed to help you save, plan and pay for post-secondary education.
Includes direction to grants, bursaries and scholarships.
The Canada Post Aboriginal Education Incentive Awards
  • Education and Employment >> Financial Aid
Funding Federal
Awards of $1000 for aboriginal students who have been out of school for a year or more and have been back at school for at least one year
Access Credit Union - Post Secondary Scholarship
  • Education and Employment >> Financial Aid
Funding Financial Institution
Information on Access Union's scholarship for college and university students.
National Anti-Racism Fund - Project Grants
  • Education and Employment >> Training
  • Health and Healing >> Other Programs, Resources and Funding
Funding Foundation
NARF supports our commitments to build a national framework for the fight against racism in Canadian society by strengthening the capacity of racialized communities, religious minority groups, and Indigenous people to carry out their own work to combat racism and create opportunities for meaningful dialogue, learning, and sharing with the broader public. The CRRF is accepting applications from organizations working on anti-racism projects in Canada. These projects must be implemented between April 1, 2025, and March 31, 2026.
Aboriginal Youth Entrepreneurship Program
  • Education and Employment >> Primary and Secondary Education
Training & Courses Indigenous Resource
Aboriginal Youth Entrepreneurship Program (AYEP), a program for Grades 11 and 12 students, designed to introduce Indigenous students to the wide range of business opportunities available within the Canadian economy. The curriculum teaches students how entrepreneurs and other businesspeople recognize opportunities, generate ideas, and organize resources to plan successful ventures. Indigenous youth learn the perspective and skills required to achieve success in secondary school, the workplace, post-secondary education or training programs, and in daily life.
CCAB- Webinars & Events
  • Education and Employment >> Training
Training & Courses Indigenous Resource
List of events that will be held and past events
Volunteer opportunities
Centre for Aboriginal Human Resources Development (CAHRD)- Central Employment Services
  • Education and Employment >> Employment
Service Indigenous Resource
One on one career couselling, referrals to training and academic courses, workshops, and free services to ensure success
Ka Ni Kanichihk Inc.- Honouring Gifts
  • Education and Employment >> Employment
Service Indigenous Resource
For single mothers (18-30) to acquire the skills needed for employment and to better understand their options
Our Story: Indigenous Arts and Stories
  • Education and Employment >> Financial Aid
Funding Indigenous Resource
Indigenous Arts and Stories. A creative writing competition for indigenous youth.
Windspeaker National News
  • Art, Culture & Language >> Cultural Events and Programs
  • Education and Employment >> Employment
Tools & Information Indigenous Resource
National news all about Indigenous culture and community stories.
Provides resources such as spiritual teachings, languages and employment opportunities
Winnipeg School Division Indigenous Scholarship Resource
  • Education and Employment >> Post-Secondary
Funding Municipal
List of scholarship resources offered through the Winnipeg School Division
Centre for Aboriginal Human Resource Development
  • Education and Employment >> Employment
Tools & Information Non-Profit
Can search aboriginal employment opportunities for Winnipeg.
Charity Village
  • Education and Employment >> Employment
Database Non-Profit
Database of jobs based on selected criteria
First Nations Online - Aboriginal Job Portal
  • Education and Employment >> Employment
Tools & Information Non-Profit
List of aboriginal positions across Canada
  • Education and Employment >> Financial Aid
Funding Non-Profit
One application for a wide range of Scholarships and bursaries for indigenous students.
Resource Website Category >> Sub Category Type Provider
Louis Riel Institute - Adult learning Centre
  • Education and Employment >> Primary and Secondary Education
Training & Courses Non-Profit
The Institute's Adult Learning Centre provides two programs: Mature Student High School Diploma, and Post Diploma Upgrading.
Manitoba Association of Friendship Centres
  • Education and Employment >> Financial Aid
Funding Non-Profit
Available scholarships for students through Manitoba Association of Friendship Centres
Manitoba Indigenous Cultural Education Centre Inc.
  • Art, Culture & Language >> Cultural Events and Programs
  • Education and Employment >> Primary and Secondary Education
Tools & Information Non-Profit
Educational organization that works to promote awareness and understanding of Indigenous culture for all Manitobans.
  • Education and Employment >> Primary and Secondary Education
Funding Non-Profit
MyClassNeeds Foundation (MCN) is a registered Canadian charity that helps connect deserving K-12 classrooms in need of supplies, or other assistance, with interested donors.
Aboriginal Peoples Television Network
  • Education and Employment >> Financial Aid
Funding Organization
APTN scholarship program for aboriginal people
Aboriginal Peoples Television Network
  • Education and Employment >> Internships
Funding Organization
Paid internship for a student in Journalism or Television Broadcasting at a Canadian post-secondary institution
Aboriginal recruitment and training
  • Education and Employment >> Employment
Tools & Information Organization
Facebook group with aborginal emplyment opportunities
Amik Inc.- Professional Indigenous Engagement Services
  • Education and Employment >> Employment
Database Organization
Database of aboriginal jobs
Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC)- Internships & Student Jobs
  • Education and Employment >> Internships
Funding Organization
Information about student summer employment and internships (business focused)
Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business (CCAB) Awards
  • Education and Employment >> Financial Aid
Funding Organization
A list of different awards offered by the Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business.
Comprehensive Community Planning (CCP)
  • Education and Employment >> Training
Training & Courses Organization
A canadian website containing information on what CCP is, how to get a mentor, what workshops are available, and numerous resources
Education Canada
  • Education and Employment >> Employment
Database Organization
List of aboriginal employers across Canada and whether positions are available
Helen Betty Osbourne Foundation- Awards
  • Education and Employment >> Financial Aid
Funding Organization
The awards go to aboriginal (Metis, First Nations, Inuit) students located in Manitoba in any field of study.
The awards range from 1000$ to 5000$.
The recipients must have financial need as well as being committed to their schooling.
The students must have a 60% course load or above.
Indigenous Development Support Services Inc.
  • Education and Employment >> Training
  • Environment and Lands >> Environmental Projects
Tools & Information Organization
Resource to provide information on indigenous forestry and provide opportunities for training.
Indigenous Link
  • Education and Employment >> Employment
Database Organization
Database of jobs for aboriginal job seekers
International Association of Facilitation (IAF) Certification
  • Education and Employment >> Training
Training & Courses Organization
Become a certified professional facilitator through IAF
International Association of Public Participation (IAPP)
  • Education and Employment >> Training
Training & Courses Organization
Training and courses on managing and mediating public participation
Manitoba Metis Federation Employment and Training
  • Education and Employment >> Employment
Tools & Information Organization
List of employment and training opportunities within the Manitoba Metis Federation.
MMF Post-Secondary Education Support Program
  • Education and Employment >> Financial Aid
Funding Organization
The MMF Post-Secondary Education Support Program aims to improve the education of students from the Manitoba Métis community by providing them with funding to access educational opportunities at the post-secondary level. Eligible post-secondary levels include undergraduate, advanced, or professional degrees, and masters and doctorate programs.
New Directions
  • Education and Employment >> Training
Service Organization
Training courses to acquire employable skills, improve school and work performance, improve health and mental health and improve social skills.
Also has cultural practices included to help youth feel a sense of belonging .
Resource Website Category >> Sub Category Type Provider
RBC Indigenous Peoples Internships
  • Education and Employment >> Internships
Funding Organization
Internships at RBC for indigenous people
Relay Education - Green Skills Academy
  • Education and Employment >> Training
Tools & Information Organization
Relay – Green Skills Academy offers free courses in solar installation, sustainable agriculture, geographic information systems mapping, and wind energy operations.
Royal Bank of Canada
  • Education and Employment >> Employment
Tools & Information Organization
Summer Student positions, internships and career launch program
Seven Oaks School Division - Indigenous Education
  • Education and Employment >> Primary and Secondary Education
Tools & Information Organization
A list of indigenous resources offered for students in the Seven Oaks School Division.
Southern Health
  • Education and Employment >> Employment
Tools & Information Organization
Variety of positions all over Manitoba with Southern health
Student Life Network
  • Education and Employment >> Post-Secondary
Tools & Information Organization
A resource website for students. Student Life Network has helpful links, toolkits for navigating student life and post-graduation, and scholarship opportunities.
The Odessey
  • Education and Employment >> Post-Secondary
Training & Courses Organization
Students help communities in Quebec or New brunswich learn english as a second language
A 9 month work term that pays over 20$ per hour
The RBC Aboriginal Training Program in Museum Practices
  • Education and Employment >> Training
Training & Courses Organization
The goal of the program is to create ways for Indigenous peoples across Canada to represent their own history and culture with cultural institutions.
The Red River Ex Scholarships
  • Education and Employment >> Financial Aid
Funding Organization
Scholarships in for students in the aerospace, agriculture and agri food, tourism, business and creative arts industry
Universities Canada
  • Education and Employment >> Financial Aid
Funding Organization
Database of Scholarships for students in Canada
Urban Circle
  • Education and Employment >> Training
Training & Courses Organization
A number of programs available: Adult Education and Employment Program, Family Support Worker/FASD Dual-Certificate Program, Educational Assistant Certificate Program and Health Care Aide/Health Unit Clerk Dual-Certificate Program.
WHO - A Practical Guide to developing and implementing school policy on diet and physical activity
  • Education and Employment >> Primary and Secondary Education
Tools & Information Organization
A guide which provides information of operationalization and the development of policies to promote healthy diet and physical activity in school settings.
Winds of Change campaign
  • Education and Employment >> Training
  • Reconciliation >> Information
Service Organization
TRC Calls to Action campaign. Resources, media training, and education for reconciliation programs.
Winnipeg Transition Centre
  • Education and Employment >> Employment
Service Organization
Has employment services and resources to help people find a job
Youth Employment Services
  • Education and Employment >> Employment
Service Organization
Helps youth find jobs, relaize their potential and prepare for jobs
Government of Manitoba
  • Education and Employment >> Financial Aid
Funding Provincial
List of financial aid opportunites for apprentices in Manitoba
Government of Manitoba
  • Education and Employment >> Financial Aid
Tools & Information Provincial
A budget worksheet for education planning, financial resources, schoalrship resources and career planning links
Green Schools Resource Guide: A Practical Resource for Planning and Building Green Schools in Ontario
  • Education and Employment >> Primary and Secondary Education
Tools & Information Provincial
This resources provides guidance to create an energy efficient, high performing, environmentally friendly, and economically beneficial school.
Manitoba Employment and Income Assistance (EIA)
  • Education and Employment >> Employment
Service Provincial
What EIA is, the different versions available in the province, who qualifies, and how to apply.
Manitoba Government - Student Job Opportunities
  • Education and Employment >> Employment
Tools & Information Provincial
Provincial resource for student jobs and opportunities
Resource Website Category >> Sub Category Type Provider
The Building Foundations Bursary Program
  • Education and Employment >> Financial Aid
Funding Provincial
The BUILDINGFoundations Bursary Program provides $1,000 bursaries to post-secondary students in Manitoba.

To be eligible, you must be living in subsidized rental housing or receive a rental subsidy funded by Manitoba Housing, including those living in:

- direct-managed housing
- sponsor-managed housing
- non-profit housing
- co-op housing
- urban native housing

Bursaries are awarded based on academic achievement and community participation.
Aboriginal Student Job Postings- University of Manitoba
  • Education and Employment >> Employment
Tools & Information University / College
List of employment opportunities for aboriginal students at the University of Manitoba.
CMU Indigenous Student Bursary
  • Education and Employment >> Post-Secondary
Funding University / College
Indigenous student bursary offered by the Canadian Mennonite University
Confederation College Indigenous Scholarships. Bursaries, and Awards
  • Education and Employment >> Post-Secondary
Funding University / College
A list of scholarships and bursaries offered by Confederation College in Thunder Bay, Ontario.
Enginerring Access Program- University of Manitoba
  • Education and Employment >> Post-Secondary
Training & Courses University / College
The Engineering Access program is to help give acccess to aboriginal people to access post secondary education.
Helps students whop may not meet the regular requirements for the engineering program
Financial Aid - University of Winnipeg
  • Education and Employment >> Post-Secondary
Funding University / College
The Financial Aid section of the University of Winnipeg which administers over 20 bursaries specifically designed for First Nations, Metis, and Inuit students.
First Nations Governance and Public Administration - Yukon College
  • Education and Employment >> Post-Secondary
Training & Courses University / College
Equips students with the knowledge to manage First Nation governments
Courses offered through a mix of in class and distance ed over three years
Long distance students are welcome.
First Nations Governance courses - University of Lethbridge (Alberta)
  • Education and Employment >> Post-Secondary
Training & Courses University / College
The program looks at First nations history, politics and economic issues while providing students with business and managerial skills
Bachelors degree, certificate or individual courses.
First Nations University of Canada Scholarships
  • Education and Employment >> Post-Secondary
Funding University / College
A list of scholarship opportunities at the First Nations University in Regina, Saskatchewan.
Gabriel Dumont Institute of Native Studies and Applied Research
  • Education and Employment >> Post-Secondary
Training & Courses University / College
A list of programs offered through the Gabriel Dumont Institute of Native Studies and Applied Research in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
Indigenous education - Community development and Community Economic development- Red River College
  • Education and Employment >> Post-Secondary
Training & Courses University / College
This is a two year program with the option of a 1 year certificate instead of the two year diploma.
This program prepares students to become facilitators of change in communities facing barriers.
The program provides students with the knowledge to recognize and use assets of a community, promote inclusion and engagement in the process, and deal with power dynamics and ethical decisions.
Indigenous Health Studies Transition Initiative (IHST) - University of Brandon
  • Education and Employment >> Post-Secondary
Training & Courses University / College
An eight month, 18 credit hour preparatory program.
Designed to provide the opportunity for Indigenous students to build capacity for academic success.
Prepares students for a career in health care.
Indigenous Initiatives - Lakehead University Scholarships
  • Education and Employment >> Post-Secondary
Funding University / College
Information on scholarships and bursaries offered at Lakehead University in Thunder Bay, Ontario. It also has information on the scholarships offered outside the school.
Indigenous Studies- University of Winnipeg
  • Education and Employment >> Post-Secondary
Training & Courses University / College
In this program students get the chance to look at Indigenous/Aboriginal governance, politics, anthropology, history, religious studies, and conflict resolution studies.
Cree and Ojibway language is also taught.
Kiwanis Bursary for Indigenous Students - University of Manitoba
  • Education and Employment >> Financial Aid
Funding University / College
Bursary at the University of Manitoba for Indigenous students who demonstrate good community service.
Lakehead University Indigenous Programs
  • Education and Employment >> Primary and Secondary Education
Training & Courses University / College
A list of indigenous programs offered by Lakehead University
Master of Arts in Indigenous Governance - University of Victoria
  • Education and Employment >> Post-Secondary
Training & Courses University / College
This program focuses on aboriginal governance while taking into account their cultures, politics, values and perspectives
Students work on Community Projects.
Master of Arts in Indigenous Governance - University of Winnipeg
  • Education and Employment >> Post-Secondary
Training & Courses University / College
This program acknowledges and honours the culture of Indigenous people and the role it plays in the study of Indigenous governance.
Topics include: politics, anthropology, human ecology, sociology, law and history.
Native Studies and Aboriginal Governance- University of Manitoba
  • Education and Employment >> Post-Secondary
Training & Courses University / College
This program requires students to take the mandatory introductory courses and courses in four areas: Political Governance, Aboriginal Business and Economics, Traditional Knowledge, and Business.

Neechiwaken Indigenous Peer Mentor Program - University of Manitoba
  • Education and Employment >> Post-Secondary
Tools & Information University / College
A University of Manitoba peer-mentoring program that matches new indigenous students with experienced indigenous university students and provides academic and social supports.
Resource Website Category >> Sub Category Type Provider
Peaceful Schools International - Creating a Culture of Peace: A Practical Guide for Schools
  • Education and Employment >> Primary and Secondary Education
Tools & Information University / College
This guide was written for schools to help with achieving a cultural peace within education facilities.
Post Baccalaureate in Indigenous Knowledge- Univeristy of Winnipeg
  • Education and Employment >> Post-Secondary
Training & Courses University / College
For individuals holding a Bachelors of Education, this program deals with how to bring indigenous content into the classroom as well as provides indigenous knowledge
Red River College - Aspiring Students
  • Education and Employment >> Post-Secondary
Tools & Information University / College
This source offers information for aspiring Indigenous students at Red River College.
Red River College Indigenous Education
  • Education and Employment >> Post-Secondary
Training & Courses University / College
List of indigenous education programs offered by Red River College.
The Community-based Aboriginal Teacher Education Program (CATEP)- Univeristy of Manitoba
  • Education and Employment >> Post-Secondary
Training & Courses University / College
Program for educational assistants to take courses while they work to become teachers
UMSU Award for Indigenous Community Leaders - University of Manitoba
  • Education and Employment >> Financial Aid
Funding University / College
University of Manitoba Students Union Scholarship for Indigenous Community Leaders. for students who demonstrate community service activities and demonstrate leadership qualities.
University College of the North: Diploma Practical Nurse Information
  • Education and Employment >> Post-Secondary
Training & Courses University / College
Information on the University College of the North's Diploma Nursing Progam.
University of Manitoba - Indigenous Circle of Empowerment
  • Education and Employment >> Post-Secondary
Tools & Information University / College
A student leadership development program at the University of Manitoba, rooted in culture and focused on self-development and community engagement.
University of Manitoba Access Program
  • Education and Employment >> Post-Secondary
Training & Courses University / College
A University of Manitoba program that students can apply to on their academic journey. Access offers academic advising, personal counseling, financial advising, and other academic supports for students.
University of Winnipeg Aboriginal Student Funding
  • Education and Employment >> Financial Aid
Funding University / College
Aboriginal student funding poster with list of awards for attending students
University of Winnipeg Aboriginal Student Services Centre (ASSC)
  • Education and Employment >> Post-Secondary
Training & Courses University / College
Information for Aboriginal Student Service Centre at the University of Winnipeg.
UW ASSC University Preperation Program
  • Education and Employment >> Post-Secondary
Training & Courses University / College
Information on the University of Winnipeg's University Preparation Program.
Unite Interactive