Resource | Website | Category >> Sub Category | Type | Provider |
Aboriginal Training and Consulting | |
Training & Courses | Corporate |
Description: Have workshops for mental illness, drugs and alcohol, and crime prevention |
Aboriginal Health & Wellness of Winnipeg | |
Service | Organization |
Description: Following the vision of the Aboriginal Health and Wellness Centre, the clinic provides resources that enable individuals to attain or maintain the balance in their lifestyle that is necessary for health. The clinic is committed to offering traditional and/or contemporary healing practices to meet the needs of the urban Aboriginal community. English only. |
Aboriginal Health and Wellness Centre of Winnipeg | |
Service | Organization |
Description: Helps parents with children 0-6 with counselling, traditional resources, parenting workshops and getting treatment for drugs and alcohol. Can also help with personal safety, income security, housing and family planning issues |
Aurora Family Therapy Centre | |
Service | Organization |
Description: Provides counselling services (Family, individual, couples) |
Bravestone Centre | |
Service | Organization |
Description: Counselling, housing and support programs for women and children of domestic violence |
Aboriginal Peoples with Disabilities Program- CAHRD | |
Service | Organization |
Description: Has many services for aboriginal people with disabilities such as: Counselling, a support group, referrals to employment or training services and programs, assistance with identifying employment goals and job preparation and resume assistance |
The Conditions of Sustainable Food Security: An Integrated Conceptual Framework | |
Tools & Information | Organization |
Description: Assesses food security as a determinant of health |
Community Foundations of Canada | |
Funding | Corporate |
Description: Community foundations are funds established to support communities locally |
Baby & Me | |
Service | Organization |
Description: Baby & Me is a program located in Manitoba that provides a wide range of services to Indigenous parents. |
In a Good Way Community Kitchen | |
Service | Organization |
Description: This Organization is located in Brandon, Manitoba, and provides services such as breastfeeding help, collective food preparation and/or purchasing, nutrition consultation/education & prenatal nutrition, and pre/postnatal information/support. |
Blue Water Mobile Prenatal Team | |
Service | Organization |
Description: This team provides services such as help with breastfeeding, nutrition consultation/education on prenatal nutrition and pre/postnatal information/support to Indigenous families in Pine Falls, Manitoba. |
EAGLE Urban Transition Centre | |
Service | Indigenous Resource |
Description: An organization supported by the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs helping Indigenous peoples through various programs such as the New Beginnings Program, the Fresh Start Program, and the Eagles Nest Program. |
Legacy of Hope Foundation | |
Tools & Information | Foundation |
Description: Education and resources to fund and aid Indigenous communities in healing and building their communities. |
Nike N7 Fund | |
Funding | Corporate |
Description: Provides grants to aboriginal communities for youth sports and physical activity initiatives |
Southern Chiefs Organization Inc. | |
Tools & Information | Indigenous Resource |
Description: Health resources. Wellness Plans. Health Research and engagement. Mental health supports. |
Tamarack Recovery Centre | |
Service | Non-Profit |
Description: Recovery Centre in Winnipeg for addictions |
Home Dental Care Program- Univeristy of Manitoba | |
Service | University / College |
Description: Have mobile dental vans for visiting long term care homes, the residences of homebound individuals and hospitals Possibility for visiting First Nations |
University of Manitoba- Get Your Benefits Booklet | |
Tools & Information | University / College |
Description: Lists many federal, provincial and regional benefits and programs individuals and families living in Manitoba may be eligible for. |
Wa-Say Healing Centre | |
Service | Indigenous Resource |
Description: Way-Say Healing Centre primarily assists former Indian Residential Schools (IRS) students and their families in accessing appropriate levels of emotional health and wellness support services. They provide holistic health and wellness services and programs to persons of all nations. These include, but are not limited to, mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being. English only. |
Aboriginal Healing Foundation | |
Funding | Non-Profit |
Description: A directory of funding sources for healing activities |
Resource | Website | Category >> Sub Category | Type | Provider |
Cerebral Palsy Association of Manitoba | |
Service | Organization |
Description: List of a wide range of disbaility services in Manitoba |
Institute of Aboriginal Peoples' Health - Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) | |
Funding | Non-Profit |
Description: Lists upcoming grant funding opportunities in health research - community-based research grants are occasionally available. |
Creative Empowering | |
Training & Courses | Corporate |
Description: Workshops on grief, life coaching, grief counselling for children, community wellness, youth empowerment Focus on First Nations communities |
Crisis Services Canada | |
Service | Organization |
Description: This is a resource for suicide prevention and support. This link provides the options to call, chat online, or text if in crisis, as well as information on suicide and how to handle it. |
Family Dynamics | |
Service | Organization |
Description: Organization with counselling, family resources, parent coaches, in home parent support and much more. |
First Nations Health Authority: Children's Oral Health Initiate (COHI) | |
Service | Indigenous Resource / Federal |
Description: Helps with dental health and the prevention of disease in 3 main categories: Pregnant women and primary caregivers; Pre-school children, 0-4 years of age; and School children, 5-7 years of age. |
Healthy Child Manitoba | |
Service | Provincial |
Description: This provincial page has a long list of resources, programs, guides, etc. on parent and child health. |
Ontario Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance - Toolkit to Healthier Communities: Influencing Healthy Public Policies | |
Tools & Information | Provincial |
Description: Toolkit to create healthier communities Includes Instructions on Policy development |
Healthy Start for Mom & Me | |
Service | Organization |
Description: This organization has 9 locations across Winnipeg all with their own outreach worker, dietician, and public health nurse. There is the option to drop-in or join the program. |
13 Moons Harm Reductive Initiative | |
Service | Organization |
Description: A program that uses culture to help aboriginal youth get off drugs |
Ikwe Widdjiitiwin | |
Service | Indigenous Resource |
Description: For women and their children facing partner and family violence Has resources such as a crisis line, 30 day shelter program, a children's program, interim housing program and outreach services. |
Ikwe-Widdjiitiwin Inc. (“women helping women”) | |
Service | Indigenous Resource |
Description: To Support Aboriginal women and their children end family violence, by offering shelter during crisis and nurturing hope, change and empowerment for tomorrow. English only. Phone: 1-877-977-0007 |
Ka Ni Kanichihk Inc.- The Heart Medicine Lodge | |
Service | Indigenous Resource |
Description: Drop ins with women who have similar experiences, sharing circles, monthly talks with guest speakers, advocacy, traditional ceremonies, elder support and counselling |
Manitoba Parent Zone | |
Tools & Information | Organization |
Description: List of Parenting resources available |
Mental Health Services for Children, Youth and Families | |
Service | Organization |
Description: Provides mental health services for children, youth and Families |
National Aboriginal Council of Midwives | |
Tools & Information | Indigenous Resource |
Description: This organization has toolkits, workshop ideas, and guidelines for establishing midwifery practices in your community. |
North Point Douglas Women's Centre | |
Service | Organization |
Description: Safe place to address all forms of violence against women Has drop in services as well as programs |
Young aboriginal Mothers in Winnipeg | |
Tools & Information | Organization |
Description: Paper on young aborignal mothers in winnipeg along with how to improve programs for them |
Pathways to healing: A mental health toolkit for First Nations people | |
Tools & Information | Organization |
Description: A mental health toolkit for First Nations People. |
Strengthening Families Program (SFP) | |
Service | Organization |
Description: Centered on conflict resolution; counseling and social work; family therapy; leadership and youth development; mentoring - tutoring; parent training; skills training; social emotional learning; and substance prevention/treatment. |
Resource | Website | Category >> Sub Category | Type | Provider |
Two Ten Recovery Inc. | |
Service | Organization |
Description: Recovery program in Winnipeg for addictions Works with the 12 step program |
First Nations Health Council | |
Tools & Information | Organization |
Description: Reclaiming our connections pdf |
Addictions Foundation of Manitoba | |
Service | Organization |
Description: Has training and workshops as well as addictions services for families, youth, adults. Also an addictions education resource |
Food Policy of Canada | |
Tools & Information | Federal |
Description: All people in Canada are able to access a sufficient amount of safe, nutritious, and culturally diverse food. Canada’s food system is resilient and innovative, sustains our environment and supports our economy. The Government is investing $134.4M in new funding over five years to help make this vision a reality. |
Local Food Infrastructure Fund | |
Funding | Federal |
Description: The renewed LFIF will support simple and complex projects that strengthen community food security and increase the availability and accessibility of local, nutritious, and culturally appropriate food through food production-focused activities for equity-deserving groups, particularly Indigenous and Black communities. Since it first launched in August 2019, the LFIF has committed $65 million to support over 1,100 projects to improve food security across Canada, such as: community gardens and kitchens refrigerated trucks and storage units for donated food greenhouses in remote and Northern communities |
Mino-Pimatiziiwin Program | |
Service | Organization |
Description: The Mino-Pimatiziiwin Program is dedicated for men and offered by the Aboriginal Health and Wellness of Winnipeg. This program is focused on providing services to Indigenous men who are attempting to make positive lifestyle changes in their lives as role models within the family unit and as agents of change within the community. English only. |
Canada Benefits Finder | |
Tools & Information | Federal |
Description: The Canada Benefits Finder is a tool that can help you find Benefits and Services that you may be eligible to receive. It asks a few questions and uses your answers to search. It does not collect or track your information. |
Resources for Communities Considering Investigating Unmarked Graves | |
Tools & Information | Organization |
Description: Canadian Archeological Association provides some information about how these technologies are used in locating unmarked grave sites. Contact information given if you have more questions. |
Canadian Feed the Children | |
Service | Charity |
Description: Canadian Feed The Children: Food Security Programs "We work in partnership with Indigenous communities to support community-led food security. These initiatives help reduce childhood hunger by increasing access to good food and traditional food practices, and by encouraging healthy eating." |
The Catherine Donnelly Foundation | |
Funding | Charity |
Description: The Foundation strives to transform the lives of the underserved by supporting initiatives in the areas of access to housing, the environment, and civic engagement for social change. We achieve this by funding, ethical investing and collaborating with organizations across Canada. The Catherine Donnelly Foundation Board currently reviews grant application requests twice yearly to determine successful applications based on the recommendations of its committees. Please note that the grant application process takes approximately eight weeks from the invited application deadline until board review and approval for all three areas of focus (Civic Engagement for Social Change, Environment, and Housing). The Catherine Donnelly Foundation will not consider funding the following: Retroactive funding Fundraising campaigns Operating deficits Projects outside of Canada Emergency appeals Purely commercial recordings or film projects Potential applicants are strongly advised to contact the Foundation office prior to submitting a Letter of Inquiry. |
Women's and Gender Program funding | |
Funding | Federal |
Description: A fund to lead to stronger communities by empowering women |
Kitatipithitamack Mithwayawin | |
Tools & Information | Indigenous Resource |
Description: An indigenous lead resource for the Covid-19 Pandemic. Shaped by 11 indigenous partner organizations, they aim to develop innovative and culturally appropriate countermeasures to the Covid-19 pandemic and future pandemics. |
Health and Safety - Kitatipithitamak Mithwayawin | |
Tools & Information | Indigenous Resource |
Description: It offers information about the symptoms of Covid-19 and provides contact information on provincial health authorities across Canada. |
National Anti-Racism Fund - Project Grants | |
Funding | Foundation |
Description: NARF supports our commitments to build a national framework for the fight against racism in Canadian society by strengthening the capacity of racialized communities, religious minority groups, and Indigenous people to carry out their own work to combat racism and create opportunities for meaningful dialogue, learning, and sharing with the broader public. The CRRF is accepting applications from organizations working on anti-racism projects in Canada. These projects must be implemented between April 1, 2025, and March 31, 2026. |
Eagle Urban Transition House | |
Service | Indigenous Resource |
Description: The primary goal of the E.A.G.L.E. Urban Transition Centre (EUTC) is to assist First Nation and Métis people with transitioning into an urban centre and to assist with accessing the appropriate resources to become independent. English only. Phone: 204-954-3050 |
Grief Edu-Therapy Certification Training | |
Training & Courses | Corporate |
Description: Cognitive Behavioral Process to Grief Resolution Can be used by grievers and grief staff Experience working with First Nations communities |
First Nations Health Council | |
Tools & Information | Organization |
Description: FNHC representation is regionally-driven. Our 15-member Council includes three representatives appointed from each of BC's five regions who support First Nations in achieving their health priorities and objectives. |
The Influence of Governance on Organizations - Experiences of Improving Care for Aboriginal People: Decolonizing Possibilities | |
Tools & Information | Indigenous Resource |
Description: Paper on the influence of governance on community health care |
Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs: Patient Advocacy Unit | |
Service | Indigenous Resource |
Description: Provides services to the Indigenous peoples of Manitoba such as assistance with medical coverage/appeals, transportation for medical reasons, accessing your medical records, and many more. |
Futures | |
Service | Organization |
Description: Futures is a program, located in Thompson, which provides services such as breastfeeding help, drop-in activities, family and social support, home visits, nutrition consultation/education & Prenatal Nutrition, outreach activities, and pre/postnatal information/support to Indigenous families. |
Resource | Website | Category >> Sub Category | Type | Provider |
Women's Safe Haven | |
Service | Organization |
Description: Shelter for single women and women with children |
MAPS (Men are part of the Solution) | |
Service | Organization |
Description: Created to help stop domestic violence of women and children Provides group counselling and individual counselling as well as other resources |
Mental Health Commission of Canada | |
Service | Organization |
Description: List of resources for training and toolkits as well as outlines and goals for each program that is in progress. |
Native Addictions Council of Manitoba | |
Service | Indigenous Resource |
Description: Offers outreach programs and a residential treatment program for indigenous people dealing with addiction |
Community Healing Fund | |
Funding | University / College |
Description: The Community Healing Fund, offered through the Na-mi-quai-ni-mak (I Remember Them) Fund at the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation (NCTR) can provide a one-time grant of up to $10,000 towards community healing gatherings or workshops connected to the Indian Residential School System. Eligible recipients include non-profit organizations, Indigenous (First Nation, Metis, and Inuit) communities, Survivor organizations, schools, band offices, etc. The selection process will prioritize initiatives that actively involve Survivors in planning and implementation. Communities and Survivors of residential schools know which gatherings or workshops best support their community healing. This fund will support them in pursuing what they consider most beneficial. Possible gatherings or workshops may include, but are not limited to: • Community‐led healing gatherings: Ceremony, feasts, etc. • Healing workshops: Cultural workshops, mental health-focused workshops, traditional activities and ceremonies, etc. |
North End Women's Centre | |
Service | Indigenous Resource |
Description: Aboriginal women's addictions recovery program |
North End Women's Centre | |
Service | Indigenous Resource |
Description: Counselling Services for women over 18 |
Community Workshops- National Association of Friendship Centres | |
Service | Indigenous Resource |
Description: Community workshops to help reduce violence and strengthen bonds |
Reason to Live | |
Service | Non-Profit |
Description: Many people struggle with suicidal thoughts or behaviours, but that does not mean you have to act on them. No concern is too small, and no problem is too big. Suicide is not the answer and you are not alone. Call us. 1-877-435-7170 |
Spence Neighborhood Association | |
Service | Organization |
Description: We engage the people of Spence with community-led initiatives, networks of support and meaningful opportunities. |
Canadian Association of Suicide Prevention | |
Service | Organization |
Description: Provides education on suicide, training workshops, and information on how to prevent suicide within communities. |
Toba Centre for Children | |
Service | Organization |
Description: Children's Advocacy Centre Centre for children that were abused Provides support during child abuse investigations |
Dental Clinic- University of Manitoba | |
Service | University / College |
Description: Low cost dental clinic A teaching clinic for dental students under the supervision of supervisors |
Unison Grocery GIft Card Support | |
Funding | Non-Profit |
Description: Unison’s Grocery Gift Card Support program was created to support music workers who earn the majority of their income from the Canadian music industry and are experiencing food insecurity due to unemployment, underemployment and/or the high cost of living. If an applicant is eligible, they will be required to complete an application and provide documents such as government-issued photo ID and a resume or bio. The program provides approved applicants with a $500 gift card to a grocery store of their choosing. The gift card will take 7-14 days to arrive. |
Unison Grocery GIft Card Support | |
Funding | Non-Profit |
Description: Unison’s Grocery Gift Card Support program was created to support music workers who earn the majority of their income from the Canadian music industry and are experiencing food insecurity due to unemployment, underemployment and/or the high cost of living. If an applicant is eligible, they will be required to complete an application and provide documents such as government-issued photo ID and a resume or bio. The program provides approved applicants with a $500 gift card to a grocery store of their choosing. The gift card will take 7-14 days to arrive. |
Winnipeg Reginal Health Authority (WRHA): Indigenous Health | |
Tools & Information | Organization |
Description: This is a guide that directs Indigenous people in need of health care to resources that can aid them in the process such as interpreters, access to traditional healers, sources for advocacy, and much more. |
WRHA: The Aboriginal Traditional Wellness Clinic | |
Service | Organization |
Description: Traditional healing health services |
Anish Corporation | |
Tools & Information | Indigenous Resource |
Description: Anish Corporation is a non-profit organization. Their head office is located on the Swan Lake First Nation urban reserve in Headingley, Manitoba. Anish Corporation delivers culturally appropriate health & wellness related programs and services to primarily Indigenous people regardless of residence, sex, gender, and sexual orientation. Their work includes advancing gender equality for Indigenous women in Manitoba. |
Events — Multiculturalism and Anti-Racism Program | |
Funding | Federal |
Description: In recognition of the United Nations International Decade for People of African Descent, the Multiculturalism and Anti-Racism Program (MARP) will include a new priority in its Events component: celebrations and events that recognize the history, culture, accomplishments, contributions and future of Black Canadians and their communities. Also, in alignment with the ongoing efforts to combat systemic racism and promote inclusivity, a new priority on combatting anti-Asian racism has been established for the Events component. This priority will specifically focus on anti-Asian racism initiatives that aim to raise awareness, foster understanding, and honour the contributions of Asian Canadians to our diverse society. The objective is to promote inclusion and unity, while empowering communities to stand against racism in all its forms. In addition, $3 million has been set aside for another new priority, Building Community Resilience. This call to action seeks to empower communities by facilitating events and initiatives that strengthen connections, foster unity, build resilience, and establish a national network of best practices. The ultimate objective is to inspire and catalyze local grassroots initiatives that build bridges and unite Canadians. To be eligible for funding your event must meet all of the following requirements: establish concrete opportunities for positive interaction among cultural, religious or ethnocultural communities demonstrate involvement of more than one single cultural, religious or ethnocultural community or target a single cultural community and provide opportunities to engage with and foster pride in the community’s history, culture and/or identity, such as heritage months recognized by Parliament help foster intercultural or interfaith understanding be open to and intended for the general public |
Canadian Benefit for Parents of Young Victims of Crime | |
Funding | Federal |
Description: The death or disappearance of a child is devastating and can leave parents unable to work. If you are a parent or legal guardian who consider to/or have taken time away from work and suffered a loss of income to cope with the death or disappearance of your child or children, you may be eligible for federal income support. The benefit provides eligible parents with payments of $500 per week, paid every 2 weeks, for a maximum of 35 weeks over a period of 3 years. You can decide to stop receiving the benefit at any time and restart receipt of the benefit at a later date within the 3 years following the incident. You can share the weeks with other eligible recipients. |
Resource | Website | Category >> Sub Category | Type | Provider |
Eating Well with Canada's Food Guide - First Nations, Inuit and Métis | |
Tools & Information | Federal |
Description: Canada's Food Guide for aboriginal people |
Benefits Information - Non-Insured Health Benefits | |
Service | Federal |
Description: The Non-Insured Health Benefits Program provides eligible First Nations and Inuit with coverage for a specified range of medically necessary health-related goods and services when not covered through private insurance plans or provincial/territorial health and social programs. |
Bullying Prevention | |
Tools & Information | Federal |
Description: Find information on how to recognize and prevent bullying. Also learn about bullying prevention programs. |
Dementia Community Investment | |
Funding | Federal |
Description: Launched in 2018, the Dementia Community Investment funds community-based projects that seek to: Optimize the health and wellbeing of people living with dementia (PLWD) and family/friend caregivers; and/or Increase knowledge of dementia and risk and protective factors. Projects could, for example, provide PLWD and family/friend caregivers with opportunities to gain knowledge, resources, and skills. Projects that do not directly benefit PLWD and family/friend caregivers will not be considered for funding. The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) is pleased to invite organizations to submit Letters of Intent (LOIs) for projects that address the objectives and priorities of the 2024 Dementia Community Investment solicitation (see Section on Objectives). |
Dementia Community Investment | |
Funding | Federal |
Description: Launched in 2018, the Dementia Community Investment funds community-based projects that seek to: Optimize the health and wellbeing of people living with dementia (PLWD) and family/friend caregivers; and/or Increase knowledge of dementia and risk and protective factors. Projects could, for example, provide PLWD and family/friend caregivers with opportunities to gain knowledge, resources, and skills. Projects that do not directly benefit PLWD and family/friend caregivers will not be considered for funding. The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) is pleased to invite organizations to submit Letters of Intent (LOIs) for projects that address the objectives and priorities of the 2024 Dementia Community Investment solicitation (see Section on Objectives). |
A Parent's Guide to Vaccination | |
Tools & Information | Federal |
Description: This guide has immunization schedules for the continued health of children |
Suicide Prevention: Warning Signs and How to Help | |
Tools & Information | Federal |
Description: It's important to get help if you or someone you know is going through a crisis or thinking about suicide. You're not alone. Learn about the resources available to you. |
Violence and Abuse Information Toolkit | |
Tools & Information | Federal |
Description: Learn about violence and abuse, its prevention and how to get help if you are being abused. Also access funding for prevention programs. |
National Collaborating Centre for Aboriginal Health | |
Tools & Information | Non-Profit |
Description: The NCCAH supports First Nations, Inuit, and Métis public health renewal and health equity through knowledge translation and exchange. They have various publications on the health trends and the research done to improve Indigenous health. |
Northern and Indigenous Health | |
Service | Organization |
Description: Resources to improve Indigenous health. |
Drug Rehab Services | |
Database | Organization |
Description: Drug Rehab Services contains a comprehensive list of every addiction service available in Manitoba including resources in over 20 cities across the province. People will have access to different types of services such as treatment, prevention services, and age-specific services with the goal of providing information for people affected by addictions. |
Children's Disability Services | |
Service | Provincial |
Description: Resources and supports for parents caring for a child with a disability. |
Disability Supports for First Nations People Living On-Reserve- Government of Manitoba | |
Tools & Information | Provincial |
Description: List of organizations that have information on programs for First Nations people with diabilities living on reserve |
Community Living Disability Services | |
Service | Provincial |
Description: Services for adults with disabilities. |
Mental Health Crisis and Non-Crisis Regional Contacts | |
Tools & Information | Provincial |
Description: A list of regional mental health contacts in Manitoba |
Manitoba Health Palliative Care | |
Funding | Provincial |
Description: The cost of all eligible prescription drugs are covered through this program |
Pharmacare- Government of Manitoba | |
Funding | Provincial |
Description: Prescription Drug program to help cover the cost of prescription drugs for manitobans |
Get Your Benefits Manitoba Tool | |
Tools & Information | Provincial |
Description: Get Your Benefits Income is a powerful determinant of health. Family physicians and other care providers have key roles to play in addressing poverty as a risk to their patients' health, due to their close relationships with their patients and their ability to access resources to improve patients' health. The tools on this website have been adapted for use in Manitoba by a group of interested physicians and health care providers and to assist primary care providers and teams to integrate this approach into their practice. |
Healthy Baby- Government of Manitoba | |
Tools & Information | Provincial |
Description: Information on Manitoba prenatal benefit and other pregnancy and baby resources |
Manitoba Prenatal Benefit | |
Service | Provincial |
Description: Information about what the benefit provides, who qualifies, and how to apply. |
Resource | Website | Category >> Sub Category | Type | Provider |
Manitoba First Nations and Metis Parenting Booklets | |
Tools & Information | Provincial |
Description: Online parenting books for First Nations and Metis families |
Aboriginal Men's Anti-Violence Campaign | |
Tools & Information | Provincial |
Description: Posters and information on the government of manitoba's aboriginal Men's Anti violence Campaign |
Hope for Wellness | |
Service | Non-Profit |
Description: The Hope for Wellness Helpline is available to all Indigenous people across Canada. Experienced and culturally competent counsellors are reachable by telephone and online ‘chat’ 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Both telephone and online chat services are available in English and French. Telephone support is also available upon request in: Cree; Ojibway (Anishinaabemowin); Inuktitut. (Note: Supports in Cree, Ojibway, and Inuktitut are not available 24/7, so you may need to call in to find out the next time that a language-speaker will be available.) |
Building Capacity in Health | |
Tools & Information | Indigenous Resource |
Description: Training, mentoring, resources and tools to improve communities health initiatives |
Ka Ni Kanichihk Inc.- Medicine Bear Counselling, Support and Elder Services | |
Service | Indigenous Resource |
Description: Provide counselling, support, advocacy, traditional ceremonies and teachings, workshops and training to families of missing and murdered indigenous women Also has support for those within the Justice System and Child and Family Services |
Manitoba Aboriginal Head Start Urban and Northern Communities | |
Tools & Information | Organization |
Description: The program includes culture and language, education, health promotion, nutrition, social support and parental and family involvement. |
Wth Child Without Alcohol-Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries | |
Tools & Information | Organization |
Description: Information on alcohol use during pregnancy and fetal Alcohol Syndrome and how to support someone during an alcohol free pregnancy Resource guide in French, English, Cree or Ojibway |
Mount Carmel Clinic | |
Service | Non-Profit |
Description: Have many health services such as aboriginal health and wellness, child, dental, general health, hepatitis C clinic, homelessness/harm reduction,immigrant/refugee, LGBT, mental health, Pregnancy/Parenting, reproductive/sexual health and youth. |
Peter Gilgan Foundation | |
Funding | Charity |
Description: As part of our commitment to reconciliation with Indigenous peoples in Canada, the Peter Gilgan Foundation has dedicated funds to reducing barriers and uplifting opportunities and wellbeing for Indigenous young people. We seek to support Indigenous-led organizations that are meeting the holistic needs of Indigenous youth in the areas of: Housing & safe spaces Health & healing Education & knowledge Economic opportunity & building capacity Food security & sovereignty |
Momentum Centre- Community reintegration | |
Service | Federal |
Description: The Momentum Community Reintegration Program will bridge the gap between the substance abuse healing and recovery program of the Winding River Therapeutic Community at the Headingly Correction Centre and the challenges of re-entry into the community life. ` |
RBC Youth Mental Well-Being | |
Funding | Financial Institution |
Description: We will also consider supporting other programs that increase access to care if they are collaborative, have proven results and can demonstrate successful outcomes. We will prioritize granting for programs that increase collaboration across service providers to reduce fragmentation. |
RBC Youth Mental Well-Being | |
Funding | Financial Institution |
Description: We will also consider supporting other programs that increase access to care if they are collaborative, have proven results and can demonstrate successful outcomes. We will prioritize granting for programs that increase collaboration across service providers to reduce fragmentation. |
RBC Youth Mental Well-Being | |
Funding | Financial Institution |
Description: We will also consider supporting other programs that increase access to care if they are collaborative, have proven results and can demonstrate successful outcomes. We will prioritize granting for programs that increase collaboration across service providers to reduce fragmentation. |
Resources for Reconciliation | |
Tools & Information | Federal |
Description: Various resources for Reconciliation and Healing. Links for information on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Further resources for Sixties Scoop and Residential school survivors. |
Resources for Reconciliation | |
Tools & Information | Federal |
Description: Various resources for Reconciliation and Healing. Links for information on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Further resources for Sixties Scoop and Residential school survivors. |
Community Support Funding - Residential Schools | |
Funding | Federal |
Description: The Truth and Reconciliation Commission's Calls to Action 74 to 76 sets out an approach to address missing children and burial sites of Indian Residential Schools. This funding is dedicated to: •locating, documenting, maintaining and commemorating burial sites associated with former residential schools •responding to family wishes to commemorate or memorialize their losses and the children's final resting places Funding for communities for: local research, engagement and knowledge gathering for: ◦engaging partners and other home communities to develop an inclusive approach to locating missing children and their burial sites at a specific residential school ◦gathering local knowledge or conducting local research about missing children and the location of burials at a specific residential school ◦developing plans and proposals for unmarked or known cemeteries and burials at a specific residential school memorialization or commemoration: ◦identifying burial site memorialization initiatives including installation or restoration of grave markers, landscaping, placement of small monuments or other activities (such as healing gardens and places for contemplation) ◦organizing commemorative events for cemeteries, unmarked graves left undisturbed and honouring Survivors bringing children home by: ◦locating and assessing (such as surveying, archaeological work) burial locations ◦relocating individuals from burial sites to final resting places ◦holding homecoming ceremonies and other activities (such as community feasts, healing circles) |
Renaissance Centre inc. | |
Service | Organization |
Description: Services Anger management, Abuse, Burnout, Elderly counselling, Family counselling, Parenting counselling, Grief counselling, Mediation, Retirement issues, Personal Growth, Interpersonal problems, Divorce/separation, Stress management, Victims of crime, Suicide counselling, Crisis intervention, Post-trauma intervention, Family mediation, Violence issues, Workplace issues, Couple therapy Depression, Anxiety, Treatment for school problems, Treatment for victim of sexual abuse, Treatment for incest victims, Late childhood disorders (5-12), Early childhood disorders (0-5), Adolescent disorders (12-18), Adjustment disorders, Mood disorders and Behavioural disorders |
High-Cost Special Education Program | |
Funding | Federal |
Description: ISC supports First Nations students' special education needs through 2 programs: •the Elementary and Secondary Education Program funds special education services for First Nations students identified as having mild to profound learning disabilities. Funding is provided for programming, remedial instruction, clinical services and resource teacher staffing •the High-Cost Special Education Program funds additional services for high-cost special education students assessed with moderate to profound learning disabilities. Funding is provided for direct service support in the form of personnel, adaptive materials and resource services |
ISC- Family Violence Prevention Program | |
Funding | Federal |
Description: The Family Violence Prevention Program (FVPP) supports the day-to-day operations of 41 shelters and provides funding for community-driven proposals for family violence prevention projects on and off reserve. |
Inuit Child First Initiative | |
Funding | Federal |
Description: The Inuit Child First Initiative ensures Inuit children have access to the essential government funded health, social and educational products, services and supports they need, when they need them. Health wheelchair ramps addiction services cultural services from Elders mental health counseling assessments and screenings medical supplies and equipment therapeutic services (speech therapy, physiotherapy, occupational therapy) Social land-based activities specialized summer camps respite care programs based on cultural beliefs and practices Educational tutoring services educational assistants specialized school transportation psycho-educational assessments assistive technologies and electronics |
Resource | Website | Category >> Sub Category | Type | Provider |
Inuit Child First Initiative | |
Funding | Federal |
Description: The Inuit Child First Initiative ensures Inuit children have access to the essential government funded health, social and educational products, services and supports they need, when they need them. Health wheelchair ramps addiction services cultural services from Elders mental health counseling assessments and screenings medical supplies and equipment therapeutic services (speech therapy, physiotherapy, occupational therapy) Social land-based activities specialized summer camps respite care programs based on cultural beliefs and practices Educational tutoring services educational assistants specialized school transportation psycho-educational assessments assistive technologies and electronics |
Inuit Child First Initiative | |
Funding | Federal |
Description: The Inuit Child First Initiative ensures Inuit children have access to the essential government funded health, social and educational products, services and supports they need, when they need them. Health wheelchair ramps addiction services cultural services from Elders mental health counseling assessments and screenings medical supplies and equipment therapeutic services (speech therapy, physiotherapy, occupational therapy) Social land-based activities specialized summer camps respite care programs based on cultural beliefs and practices Educational tutoring services educational assistants specialized school transportation psycho-educational assessments assistive technologies and electronics |
Mental Health and Wellness in First Nations and Inuit Communities | |
Tools & Information | Federal |
Description: Understand positive mental health and the factors that can influence it. Access programs and services to improve your mental health and help prevent suicide in Indigenous communities. |
Federal Indian Day Schools health support services | |
Tools & Information | Federal |
Description: Find health support services for individuals affected by the trauma associated with their attendance at an historic Federal Indian Day School. Mental health counselling Emotional support Cultural supports Transportation |
Federal Indian Day Schools health support services | |
Tools & Information | Federal |
Description: Find health support services for individuals affected by the trauma associated with their attendance at an historic Federal Indian Day School. Mental health counselling Emotional support Cultural supports Transportation |
Health Facilities Program | |
Funding | Federal |
Description: The Health Facilities Program provides funding to support: planning construction expansion renovation maintenance management of community health facilities. These activities provide First Nations, Inuit and ISC-employed healthcare staff the space required to safely and efficiently deliver health care programs and services in First Nations and Inuit communities. The types of health infrastructure supported under this program include health services buildings, addictions treatment centres, Aboriginal Head Start on Reserve spaces and residences for healthcare professionals. The nature of the health infrastructure required by a community is assessed based on a number of factors: the types of health programs and services being delivered in the community the number and type of health professionals providing such services population size the proximity of the community to provincial, territorial or other community health services The majority of health facilities funded through the program are First Nations health facilities serving First Nations individuals and families living on or near reserves. The program supports First Nations communities in assuming greater control over their health facilities planning, for example, through the use of community health plans, including operational plans to support health services delivery. The long-term goal of the program is to transfer control over the planning, design and delivery of health infrastructure programs and services to Indigenous organizations and institutions. |
Jordan's Principle and First Nations child and family services | |
Funding | Indigenous Resource / Federal |
Description: Funding to buy or build capital assets which support the delivery of First Nations child and family services and services under Jordan's Principle. |
The Mikaaming Mino Pimatiziwin Family Treatment Centre | |
Service | Organization |
Description: A family addictions treatment centre that uses traditional healing and culture in the healing process |
The Sturgeon Lake Community Experience: A Journey Toward Empowerment | |
Tools & Information | Indigenous Resource |
Description: Success Story of First Nation Health and wellness |
West Region Child & Family Services (WRCFS) | |
Service | Indigenous Resource |
Description: This organization serves First Nation children and family by delivering a full range of services for them to nurture, love and respect their children. |
Centre for Suicide Prevention - Walk With Me | |
Service | Non-Profit |
Description: Workshops on suicide prevention, including one for indigenous caregivers. |
The Trevor Project | |
Service | Non-Profit |
Description: Our trained counselors are here to support you 24/7. If you are a young person in crisis, feeling suicidal, or in need of a safe and judgment-free place to talk, call the TrevorLifeline now at 1-866-488-7386. |
Triple P - Positive Parenting Program | |
Tools & Information | Provincial |
Description: This parenting program provides strategies to manage children's behaviour and build healthy relationships with them |
Fund for Gender Equality- United Nations | |
Funding | International |
Description: Fund for marginalized women (i.e. Indigenous) |